sâmbătă, 31 octombrie 2009

The Way of Harmony & The Business of Living - RICHARD MOON

The Way of Harmony & The Business of Living:
A Mind-Body Approach to Extraordinarily Effective Human Action.

http://extraordinarylistening.com/ ]

Richard Moon, 5th degree Black Belt, began his career in martial arts by studying Shotokan Karate, Kenpo, and Kung Fu under various teachers. In 1971 he began his study of Aikido under Sensei Robert Nadeau. Richard is the founder and head instructor of Aikido of Marin. Founder of The Listening Institute specializing in creativity and communications, Richard is also a partner in the Quantum Edge, a consulting firm specializing in master coaching for executives and their teams. A skilled mediator and facilitator, he leads training in negotiation, sales, peak performance, team process, and communication. Richard also has in-depth experience in music, dance and various forms of Yoga.

Did you ever wish you had a prescription, a formula, a way of
functioning with greater authenticity and effectiveness? I believe everyone
wants to contribute something to the world, whether it’s our ideas, our energy
or our listening. It is a human desire to contribute and receive value. We
would like to do it well. No one wants to do it poorly. Every one of us would
like our contribution to count. Our desire to be effective is in service of that

Fundamentally people experience creativity as enjoyable and conflict as
stressful. The art of Aikido means aligning with, and tapping into, the
creativity of the universe. The founder of Aikido also called it the Art of
Peace. Peace describes a time when our attention is focused on what we are
drawn to, on what interests us, on what we want. When we fight we are
resisting something. War describes a state where we fight against what we do
not want. Our energies go to opposing that which we fear.

Our interests make it apparent where we would like to focus our
energies. Yet somehow we get caught up in wars and fighting. Without
realizing how we got there, we use our energies to attack and defend rather
than to create. Fear and aggression are so pervasive we struggle within
ourselves as well as fighting with each other. Not just the big fears but also
the small fears like not having enough time for ourselves and each other color
our daily lives. This happens without our noticing the power of these subtle
influences on how we expend our energy.

We need a technology to resolve the war within so that we can stop
projecting our inner struggles outward. It must be simple so everyone can use
it. If this technology were effective, it would resolve the inner conflict and the
external struggles as well. Such a technology would enable us to use all the
energy available to create a beautiful world.

What if we were to pursue peace as intensely as we wage war?
The three easy lessons for the business of living are the most essential
principles that I have distilled from my study of Aikido. The lessons are
based on three distinctions. The first is how we participate in creating our
state of being, the attitude through which we approach our life. The second is
how our attitude participates in creating our relationships, which in turn affect
our ability to contribute to situations and other people. The third is how our
contribution participates in creating the world.

The study and practice of these distinctions enhances one’s ability to
contribute what each of us brings to the world to produce the greatest benefit.
I have stated them as simply as I am able. You must translate them into your
own understanding for them to have meaning in your life. You must practice
them for them to have value. Paying attention to distinctions develops
awareness, as exercising muscles develops physical strength. Skill is
developed through the practice of applying these distinctions to how we create
our lives. The lessons give us techniques to help us in that study.
In a world of diversity, complexity and distraction, the ability to operate
authentically becomes increasingly valuable. The power of Aikido enables us
to connect with what is essential and true for our growth and development
while contributing the uniqueness of our gifts to the world. The principles of
Aikido, when practiced, empower each of us to complete our bestowed

We live in the world but understand so little of the effects of our
participation in creating what we experience? The three easy lessons offer
basic distinctions and fundamental skills that powerfully influence the
business of living. I use the term the ‘business of living’ to imply all the
realms that matter to us in our lives, commerce, science, education, spiritual
development, family and personal relationships.

Life In Three Easy Lessons In One Easy Page

I. Perceive
Breathe, Sense and Feel
Open your Attention

II. Align
Adjust To Changes In The Wind
Unify with the situation as it unfolds.

III. Discover
Learning without end
Share in growing and learning together.

Get the book here for free: http://www.aiki-extensions.org/pubs/Life_in_Three_Easy_Lessons.pdf

Get more books:

Books that introduce the study: These books are further explorations into the study and its practices:


Orice calatorie e o experienta a diversitatii. Dar foarte putine mijlocesc saltul de la diversitate la diferenta. Una e sa te misti în variatiunile multiple ale aceleiasi teme, alta este sa te simti catapultat pe o alta planeta.

Ca, de pilda, cînd calatoresti în Japonia. N-am fost niciodata în Africa, în Australia sau în Caraibe.

Pentru mine, Japonia ramîne, de aceea, tot ce poate fi mai altfel, mai neasimilabil, mai “strain”. Te poti simti strain în Indonezia, parcurgînd drumul de la Jakarta la Jojakarta, asa cum se simte strain orice european “civilizat” într-o enclava arhaica si, pe deasupra, asiatica. Te poti simti strain în bucataria chineza, în coloritul, moravurile si inocenta americane, sau în expresia lingvistica a Ungariei vecine, din care nu poti selectiona nimic cît de cît familiar.

În Japonia însa alteritatea e radicala. Te misti în spatiul unei alte umanitati, al unei lumi paralele. Nimic nu seamana cu ce stii. Nici macar asemanatorul …

N-am sa fac demonstratii pretentioase, de morfologia culturii. Nu Spengler, nu Frobenius, nu Blaga … Am s-o iau de jos, de la obiceiuri curente, de la cum stai la masa si cum duci la gura, de la bai si closete.

Cititi tot articolul aici:



vineri, 30 octombrie 2009

Martial arts and Spirituality. (Christopher Hein)

Martial arts and spirituality.

Martial arts and spirituality. What does that even mean? This is a question almost all of us ask. But few of us ever get any real answers. Some say it’s mixing religions such as Christianity or Islam with martial arts. Some think it’s dressing up in flowing clothes, spouting koans, and seeming esoteric. Some say it’s simply, “a bunch of crap”.
However I believe It isn’t any of these things.

To understand the relationship between Martial arts and spiritually, you must first understand what each of them are on their own. Most of us pretty much understand, or at least have a clear concept of what the martial arts are. I’ll define it here as the study of physical conflict. But there are lots of reasonable definitions. Most of us have spent enough time with the martial arts, that we have a pretty clear definition, at least for ourselves. It’s spirituality that many of us have a hard time with.

To many, spirituality is simply going to church and reading the bible. While these things are spiritual things, they are part of a religion, and not the spirituality itself. A religion is a school of spirituality. The main goal of these schools is to put people in touch with their spirituality. The practices of a religion (prayer, bible reading, church services, worship etc.) are designed to put you in touch with your spirituality, but they are not the spirituality itself. By adding the practices of your religion to your martial arts, you are not working with spirituality, you are simply adding more practices. Which most martial arts systems already have more then enough of. Religion’s are to spirituality as Martial arts are to fighting. They are schools that point to a thing, but not the thing itself. Mixing the practices of a religion into your martial arts doesn’t train your spirit.

The trappings of spirituality are not the spirit. While different physical objects can help evoke your spirit, they are not the spirit itself. Wearing a Zen masters robes certainly does not make you a Zen master. Reciting words and incantations that you don’t understand does not make you a spiritual person. Seeming aloof and exotic to other people doesn’t do a thing for your spirituality either. It starts with you.Your spirit is at the very core of what you are. So how could you find it in things outside of yourself?

Read all this article here:

Grab my wrist; no, really!

O explicatie foarte buna pentru "prinderea mâinii partenerului" :

One of the big problems people seem to have with Aikido is all the wrist grabbing. It seems silly and unnecessary if you come from a sport martial art school. If you’re into RBMA (reality based martial arts) then it seems only mildly useful, and only in self defense situations. Punching and kicking seem reasonable, headlocks, body to body clinching, these things are what martial arts should be about, right…

The biggest problem our martial art faces today, in terms of our ability to develop (as individuals and as a whole), is understanding what we are doing and why. There is so much confusion in our community as to what we are doing. Why do we practice such strange techniques? How does our system even work in a martial context?

Even if you are not interested in martial questions directly, this should be important to you. So you’ve never been in a fight, and don’t ever expect to be. You’re probably right, if you are a reasonable person, it’s unlikely that you will ever get into a fight. However even if you were never put in a position to “use” your martial arts training, this question is important to you. Not because of your ability to “use” Aikido outside of the dojo, but because of your ability to “use” Aikido inside of the dojo!

Your personal growth as a martial artist depends on you understanding what it is that you are doing when you train Aikido. How these things should work and why. Not because you plan to Judo chop, or rather Aikido chop some evildoer, but because you are a martial artist. You spend your valuable time training in the martial arts, you have already made the choice, for whatever reason, to understand it’s martial ideals, even if you never plan to “use” it.

So why would anyone grab your wrist? Maybe they grab your wrist to pull you somewhere, or to put you in something. While some Aikido techniques may come in handy for this, usually it’s not important to the attacker that he be grabbing your wrist in these situations. He could just as likely be grabbing your hair, shirt, leg or whatever he can easily grab in order to drag you off to where he wants you. Aikido does have grabs from other place’s like collar and cuff, but wrist grabbing are heavily emphasized in Aikido forms.

Read full article here: http://www.aikidostudent.com/content/?p=700

Aikido and the dynamic sphere

"Aikido and the dynamic sphere" - O versiune incompleta pe Google Books:


miercuri, 28 octombrie 2009

Biografia Lui Morihei Ueshiba

Biografia Lui Morihei Ueshiba

Privind din toate directiile viata sa, fondatorul a trait ca un adevarat samurai din stravechea si traditionala Japonie. El a intruchipat starea de unitate cu fortele cosmosului, care reprezinta ideea spirituala a artelor martiale de-a lungul istoriei japoneze.Ca unul care a dus acest ideal spre desavirsirea ultima si a luptat pentru binele omenirii, numele si viata sa stralucesc in istoria Budo-ului, Cala Luptatorului.


luni, 26 octombrie 2009

The use of Biomechanics in Teaching Aikido

This paper aims to examine how the knowledge of biomechanics, specifically of mechanics principles used in teaching aikido techniques, affects the precision of aikido movements execution. It also aims to answer the question whether secondary-school teaching of solid-state mechanics, using examples from aikido and other sports, improves the learning outcomes.

Basic procedures.

The experiment involved 60 second- and third-form secondary-school students, divided into two groups: F (n = 27) and E (n = 33). The research on the understanding of mechanics principles was based on the results of a written test. Group F (experimental group) had been taught the principles of rotation mechanics, using examples from aikido and other sports, as opposed to group E (control group). Surprise tests were applied to assess the understanding of mechanics rather than retrieving of definitions learned by heart.

The experimental group took a written test to assess their understanding of aikido mechanics. Over the period of one month the students in this group had been taught four selected aikido techniques. Using a ten-point grading scale the precision of execution of aikido techniques was evaluated.

Main findings.
Student's t-test and regression analysis were used for statistical analysis. A statistically significant difference was found between the aikido-enhanced and the conventional ways of teaching solidstate mechanics: the experimental group attained much higher test results than the control group.

There was a strong correlation between understanding aikido mechanics and the performance of aikido techniques.

Conclusions. Understanding aikido mechanics improves the performance of aikido techniques. Teaching solid-state mechanics, using examples from aikido and other sports, is more effective than teaching physics in the conventional way.




Un site cu video si articole : http://www.aikidostudent.com/

duminică, 25 octombrie 2009

Aikido pentru toţi - Serban Derlogea

Aikido pentru toţi” conţine amintirile şi ideile mele despre Arta marţială pe care am îndrăgit-o şi studiat-o zeci de ani. Cartea constituie o continuare a manualului de Aikido apărut acum 17 ani (scris împreună cu prof. Dan. C. Ionescu).

Temele cărţii sunt prezentate într-o manieră directă, fără artificii stilistice, ca o reacţie faţă de problemele perene ale societăţii. Numeroase povestioare cu tâlc din folclorul autohton şi cel oriental însufleţesc expunerea uneori tehnică dar niciodată plicticoasă.

Lucrarea prezintă o altă viziune despre Aikido – diferită de cea care predomină în Dojo-urile de la noi. Ea pune accent pe etica Budo şi tratează pragmatic problema educaţiei morale, subiect mai rar abordat în cărţile de profil disponibile, urmărind îmbunătăţirea relaţiilor din societate (team building), însuşirea capacităţii de critică constructivă şi autocritică, limpezirea ţinutei morale, cu ajutorul învăţăturilor marilor maeştri (în special creatorul Aikido, O Sensei Morihei Uyeshiba).

N-am încercat să încânt cititorul cu dezvăluirea unor „secrete” despre invincibilitate, tinereţe fără bătrâneţe sau alte clişee fantasmagorice, deseori asociate practicilor orientale. În schimb, propun scopuri idealiste dar pragmatice, cum ar fi modelarea caracterului tinerilor cu ajutorul artelor marţiale, ca să devină cetăţeni mai buni. Cititorii vor găsi idei despre autoapărarea multilaterală – pentru a supravieţui într-o lume tot mai violentă, sau despre soluţionarea problemelor sociale cu ajutorul educaţiei fizice - într-o lume tot mai degenerată fizic, sau poate vor afla o Cale spre iluminarea spirituală - într-o lume tot mai robită banului.

Cartea propune înnoirea sistemului actual de învăţământ prin creşterea substanţială a importanţei educaţiei fizice în ansamblul disciplinelor curriculare.

Cartea poate fi downloadata gratuit :



sâmbătă, 17 octombrie 2009

„Propunerea de modernizare a Educatei morale în învătământul preuniversitar românesc” (www.derlogea.ro)


la „Propunerea de modernizare a Educatiei morale în învătământul preuniversitar românesc” (www.derlogea.ro)

1. Tinerii nostri au defecte de caracter si sunt lipsiti de vigoare fizică
Insuccesul integrării în UE, recentul val de antiromânism din Italia, sau răspândirea violentei în scolile noastre si în toate domeniile vietii, se datorează aproape exclusiv proastei educatii a majoritătii românilor. Ei sunt prost crescuti. Si nu e vorba „doar” de lipsa celor 7 ani de-acasă, ci de o situatie mult mai gravă: statisticile arată că suntem codasi la competivitatea internatională, ceea ce
pune în pericol chiar supravietuirea neamului. Cauza acestei slăbiciuni nationale nu este lipsa competentelor profesionale, ci lipsa „caracterului”. Este vorba nu de lipsa „instructiei” stiintifice, ci a „educatiei” morale.
Chiar dacă se poate discuta despre calitatea pregătirii profesionale a absolventilor sistemului nostru de învătământ general (10 clase), e însă indiscutabil că le lipsesc trăsături de caracter cum ar fi: politetea, hărnicia, perseverenta, tenacitatea, cinstea, demnitatea, responsabilitatea, solidaritatea,
toleranta, altruismul, curajul, creativitatea, patriotismul si altele. La concetătenii nostri este spectaculos contrastul dintre preponderenta preocupărilor pentru interesul personal si lipsa oricărei întelegeri pentru avantajele intereselor comunitare.

Serban Derlogea
Profesor de Aikido
la Centrul CASA pentru studierea educatiei cu ajutorul Artelor Martiale al Universitătii din Bucuresti
Tel. 021 314 6030
Email: serban@derlogea.ro


Stagiu FRAM, Octombrie 2009

Stagiu FRAM, 24 Octombrie 2009

# 10.00-10.00 - Festivitatea de deschidere si prezentarea invitaţilor

# 10.10-10.55 - AIKI Russian Martial Art SYSTEMA
Shihan Constantin Chiţu

# 10.55-11.40 - Aplicaţii practice in autoapărare cu tehnici din Aikijutsu
Sensei Voiculescu Liviu

11.40-11.50 - Pauza

# 11.50-12.35 - Kata de arme: Sensei Peristeri Răzvan

# 12.35-13.10 - Procedee din atacuri de picior: Sensei Ionită Marius

# 13.10-13.55 - Katame-Waza - Tehnici de fixare AIKIDO-LIFE
Shihan Grigorescu Ioan

# 13.55-14.00 - Festivitatea de acordare a primelor grade federale

# 14.00 - Discuţii, concluzii



Stagiu cu Doshu in UK, Iunie 2010

Stagiu cu Doshu ( Moriteru Ueshiba ) in UK 18-20 Iunie 2010.
