sâmbătă, 30 ianuarie 2010

Tai Chi Chuan - Tinn Chan Lee - Wu Style Of Tai Chi Chuan

Tai Chi Chuan is the ancient Chinese art and science of meditation through movement. It is based on the philosophical and mystical teachings ofboth the / Ching and China's great sage, Lao Tzu.
Tai Chi Chuan reflects ancient observations of the Yin (negative) and Yang (positive) principles innature.

Unlike Indian Yoga, which is based on individual and static postures, TaiChi Chuan consists of unbroken rhythmic movements that flow with com-plete relaxation. This flowing relaxation benefits the entire body simultane-ously. Through proper breath control and concentration, this flowing relaxa-tion will result in complete mental control, physical and emotional well-being and inner peace. To achieve these benefits, however, Tai Chi Chuan must be studied under a qualified teacher and practiced consistently for an extended period of time.


1. The upper psychic center is made as light as possible. The lower psychiccenter is made as heavy as possible.This procedure is created by the use of the mind. The mind imagines theupper psychic center to be light and the lower psychic center to be heavy.The result of the movement of the mind and the correct body position isrelaxation. When there is relaxation the Chi will sink down to the lowerpsychic center. The body must be held straight and there can be no use ofphysical strength.

2. Use the mental process. Do not use physical strength.
If physical strength is used the Chi will not circulate. Physical strengthprevents the flow of Chi through the body. Chi will only flow when thebody is relaxed and the mind is in control. The mind directs the flow of Chi.

3. The chest is not expanded nor pushed forward. The back is slightly curved.If the chest is expanded the Chi will rise up. If the back is too straight theChi will not sink down. If the Chi rises up and is unable to sink down, thenthe center of balance will rise up.

4. Sink the shoulders and lower the elbows.If the shoulders are not down the Chi will not sink, the body will not berelaxed and the center of balance will rise up. This is also true if the elbowsare not lowered.

5. The spine and sacrum must be straight. All movement originates from thepivoting of the sacrum.If the body is not aligned the Chi will not sink down and there will be norelaxation. If the movements are not from the sacrum the Chi will not cir-culate harmoniously.

6. The upper and lower body are in perfect coordination.The shoulders are in line with the hips. The knees are in line with the elbows.The top of the head is in line with the base of the spine. These three align-ments are called the three outer harmonies.

7. The inner and the outer harmonies are synchronized.The three outer harmonies must be in a rhythmic flow with the three innerharmonies. The three inner harmonies are: The life fluid is in harmony withthe life spirit; the life spirit is in harmony with the circulating breath; thecirculating breath is in harmony with the life fluid. The inner and the outeraspects of man must flow as one.

8. Polarize the body and its movements. The yin and yang aspects are clearly
The forward movements are in harmony with the backward movements. Themovements to the right are in harmony with the movements to the left. Themovements of the hands are in harmony with the movements of the feet.The upper body is in harmony with the lower body. The body must alwaysmanifest both yin and yang aspects.

9. Create elastic-like movements in an unbroken sequence. The body is always
Each movement blends into the next movement. The body is in continuous motion with no stopping. All motion is circular.

10. Within movement seek tranquillity. Tranquillity and movement are har-monized into one.Within the activity of movement there is tranquillity. When tranquillity isfound it must be harmonized with movement. This is Tai Chi meditation.


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